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Mō mātou

About us

Why we matter

WIT – What Ever It Takes Trust is a registered charity focused on the recovery of people experiencing mental health and addiction difficulties, supporting them to live within our community. Every day we improve outcomes for individuals and whānau in the Hawke’s Bay with their journey to wellbeing.

Our services are diverse to match and meet the needs of those we help daily. We are involved and connected into the community especially at the points where the people we help interact, live, seek support and strive to be part of.

Mission Statement

Hikoi i te whānau ki te hauora | Walking with Whānau to Wellness


  • Aroha
  • Courage
  • Manaakitanga
  • Whanaungatanga
  • Rangatiratanga

Who we are

We are a diverse team, including those with lived life experience of mental health and addictions, support workers, professional health workers, property and tenancy managers, service managers, and business leaders.

Our Annual Report

Senior Management Team

Angela Thomas

Business & Finance Manager

Responsible for providing leadership in financial, administration information technology, office and vehicle asset management.

Phil Ross

General Manager

Responsible for providing the overall leadership in strategic,
financial and operational direction for the organisation.

Suzie Hiha

People & Capability Manager

Responsible for providing leadership in human resources, quality, clinical, health, safety and wellbeing and business improvement.

Sam Wanoa

Residential Services Manager

Responsible for service delivery of the residential sites, Kahukura, Rangimarie and Ahuriri

Tracey Benson

Residential & Peer Support Manager

Responsible for service delivery of the Peer support service, Napier & Hastings Lighthouses, the Clinical Day Programme, Wellbeing support, Advocacy service and Mahea youth service.

Huia Broughton

Housing Portfolio Manager

Responsible for service delivery of The Napier Outreach Service,
Emergency Housing Navigation, Transitional Housing, and Housing First, Hawke’s Bay service.

A Supportive Board

Helping our leadership and the organisation to deliver real outcomes. These committed volunteers help us pave the way to support, empower, and provide care to the people we work with.

Andy White


Phil Ryan


John Lightfoot


Chris McKenna


John Sproat


Kevin Snee


Kurt Owen


Every day is meaningful,  full on and challenging and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

– A WIT client

Additional information?

Please call or email us. We will try to provide you with the information you need.