Ka pēhea mātou e āwhina ai
How we can help
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Looking for housing?
You will need to be referred by MSD before we can provide a house. Call 0800 559 009 or go to a Work & Income Service Centre.
Be patient, the wait on the phone or in person can seem very long. Be prepared, have your information ready.
If you are worried that you won’t be listened to. If speaking to MSD will cause you stress and anxiety. Call us on 06 835 2154 we will try to help. We will give you fair and honest advice.
Tips for talking to MSD:
- Be patient
- Have personal information handy
- Know your MSD client number if you have one
- Have someone with you who can:
– Support you
– Translate for you if needed
– Help explain your situation
Support to move forward
Our peer support person will help you deal with the things that are troubling you. They share your experience of mental health. They have been where you are and have real ways of helping you.
Together you will find new ways of being and doing. Together you will find ways to make it easier to feel better and move forward.
Join in, Take part
The Lighthouse is an opportunity centre. A place where like-minded people
• Connect
• Use their skills
• Learn new things
• Build friendships
• Belong
Hosted by people who have experienced mental health and addiction in their lives. We will listen, help you get information, and assistance.
You can join the Lighthouse if you are 18 or older and answer yes to one or both:
• I am a past or present user of Mental Health services
• I am currently attending an Addiction service
Come and see us Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm
Napier: 24 Leyland Street Onekawa
Hastings: 905 Heretaunga Street West
WIT really does whatever it takes to get you well. I feel like I have become a productive member of society again and am living to my values.
– A WIT client
Grow day-to-day skills
Build your confidence, increase your independence, and learn new skills. You tell us what you want to be better at, and we give you the opportunity.
We provide a friendly and safe setting to have a go. You will part of a group with others who are also trying new things like cooking, art, music, and waka ama.
Led by people who have experienced mental health and addiction in their lives. We will help meet your needs on your walk to wellness.
You can join our day programme if you are 18 or older and answer yes to one or both:
• I am a past or present user of Mental Health services
• I am currently attending an Addiction service
Call us to enrol in our day programme:
Our help? Call and ask.
When you don’t know how to get help, we will connect you with right service. We have links with all types of organisations in Napier and Hastings.
When you don’t know what to ask, we will help you prepare what to say.
We will help you make a list of the information you may need.
We can walk beside you as you seek help. We can be your voice and your supporter so that you are listened to, and your needs are met.
We can help if you are 18 or older and answer yes to one or both:
• I am a past or present user of Mental Health services
• I am currently attending an Addiction service
Call us on 06 835 2154 between 8:30 and 5:00 Monday to Friday.
We will give you fair and honest advice
WIT has been a great benefit to my recovery. My support worker was always there above and beyond to help me utilise the mental health support network. They have helped me grow in the right direction, achieve my goals and given me the tools for future success.
– A WIT client
Helplines and Resources
Ministry of Health NZ – 0800 855 066 Mental health and Wellbeing resources
Hawke’s Bay DHB – Emergency Mental Health Service (EMHS) 0800 112 334
Anxiety New Zealand 0800 ANXIETY (0800 269 4389)
Depression – 0800 111 757 or free text 4202
Kidsline – 0800 54 37 54 for people up to 18 years old
Mental Health Foundation – 09 623 4812, to access its free resource and information service
Rural Support Trust – 0800 787 254
Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
The Lowdown Need to talk? Web chat, email or free text 5626
OUTLine NZ – 0800 688 5463 (OUTLINE) provides confidential telephone rainbow specialist counselling and trans peer support
SPARX online e-therapy tool that helps young people learn skills to deal with feeling down, depressed or stressed
What’s Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18 year olds)
Gambling Helpline – 06 876 6267
Shine – 0508 744 633 confidential domestic abuse helpline
Women’s Refuge Crisis line – 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE) (for women living with violence, or in fear, in their relationship or family)
Shakti Crisis Line – 0800 742 584 for migrant or refugee women living with family violence
Yellow Brick RoadSupporting families towards mental wellbeing
Aunty Dee is a free online tool for anyone who needs some help working through a problem. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, you can use Aunty Dee to help you work it through