Mental Health and Addiction Services
Community Support
The mobile community support team is continuing to provide the services that you need. We will contact you directly if there is any change that affects you.
Call 06 835 2154.
The Napier and Hastings Lighthouses
The Napier and Hasting Lighthouses are open to everyone. You will be prompted to sign in, take a temperature check and complete the Covid health questionnaire.
Napier Lighthouse: 027 552 0493.
Hastings Lighthouse: 027 552 0496.
Hassle Free Clinics
Are being provided at each Lighthouse on alternate Monday afternoons at Napier contact on 027 552 0493 and on alternate Thursday afternoons at Hastings contact 027 552 0496.
Manaia House
Manaia House is open. You will be prompted to sign in, take a temperature check and complete the Covid health questionnaire. If you have any queries, please contact Rose or Julie on 027 599 9032.
Advocacy Services
The Advocates are still available to respond to any queries or issues and support you need. Ph 06 835 2154.
Additional information?
Please call or email us. We will try to provide you with the information you need.