A mātau ratonga
Our Services
Our Services
WIT provide these services as standalone or in combination to suit the need and situation of the individual. We are funded to provide these services within the Hawke’s Bay.
Community Support Services
Funded by Hawke’s Bay DHB
The Community Support Service is person centred and provides flexible mobile community-based support services for people who are living independently, but not necessarily alone, in their community. The services are for people living with mental illness who require support in relation to family and whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their wellbeing.

Consumer Advocacy Services
Funded by Hawke’s Bay DHB
The Consumer Advocacy Service provides goal and solution-centred advocacy that is underpinned by a philosophy of working with people accessing services who are searching for solutions to concerns or problems relating to their mental health or addiction treatment or support. The service provides a peer-to-peer service, advocating and advising people from a lived experience perspective.
Day Activity Programme
Funded by Hawke’s Bay DHB
The Day Activity Programme provides a recovery-oriented service to assist people with mental illness to develop their life and living skills and enjoy their relationships with others. The day activities that make up a programme are determined largely by the person’s needs and aligned with their individual goals.

Emergency Housing Navigator
Funded by MSD
This service is delivered in partnership with MSD. WIT provides community-based social support services to MSD clients with mental health and addiction who are placed in Emergency Housing. This servcies is culturally responsive. It supports the client to maintain sustainable, long-term housing and positive wider social outcomes through being connected to their community.
Residential Housing and Recovery Services
Funded by Hawke’s Bay DHB
The Housing and Recovery Service is a community-based housing and recovery-focused support service for people experiencing mental health disorders with higher levels of acuity. The service provides support to the clients through appropriately trained and qualified WIT support workers. There is access to clinical staff as required to meet individual needs.

Housing First
Funded by HUD
Housing First provides housing quickly, then offers tailored support for as long as it is needed to help people stay in their homes and address the underlying support needs that led to their experience of homelessness.
Transitional Housing
Funded by MSD
Transitional housing is temporary accommodation and support for individuals or families who are in urgent need of housing. It provides warm, dry, short term housing for people and families who have an urgent need for a place to stay.

The Lighthouse
Funded by Hawkes Bay DHB
The Napier & Hastings Lighthouse are community-based centres that provide opportunities to meet others, take part in activities and have a cuppa. The Lighthouse provides information and supports access to community support services.
Lighthouse activities help clients to connect with each other, build self-confidence and become valued members of the community.
Hassle free GP Clinic
Funded by Health Hawkes Bay PHO
The Hassle-free GP Clinic is available for those with past or present mental health and addiction experience. The free GP Clinic is run from both Lighthouses on alternating weeks.
Please contact the Lighthouses for more information and bookings. The Doctors are also able to enrol new patients at their respective GP practices

Additional information?
Please call or email us. We will try to provide you with the information you need.